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Revenge of Zoe (Comedy Feature Film)

Promotional Trailer

A tale of fictional superhero ghosts, screenwriters, friendship, and fandom.

Two years ago, screenwriter Billy Shaw wrote a blockbuster superhero movie about the golden age classic comic book heroine "Fren-Zee", aka "Zoe Muldoom Zephyr."

Billy couldn't have done it without the help of nerdy comic book store owners Pete Raynoso and John Burns. But Billy got a little too full of himself and publicly took all the credit for the film.


Now, Billy is friendless, drug addicted, and broke. He's also convinced that he's being haunted by the ghosts of Fren-Zee's creator Nick Levine and, more impossibly, by Fren-Zee herself. After losing his last valuable possession in a drunken poker game, Billy gets a miraculous phone call from his agent with an offer to write the sequel to "Fren-Zee" for a huge payday.


But first he must find a way to mend his relationship with Pete and John and get them to help him write the screenplay. Then, maybe the ghosts of Nick Levine and Fren-Zee will leave him alone.

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Official Movie Poster

Produced by

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Production and post production services by


Revenge of Zoe is a hilarious feel-good comedy feature film about a bunch of dysfunctional people who make their living in the world of fan culture. Shot largely in  real life, functioning comic book and game stores, Revenge of Zoe is about creativity, acceptance,  friendship and everything that makes fan culture awesome.

The film features a terriffic cast of skilled and likable comedic actors, and includes industry cameos from comic book creators, authors, at least one science celebrity and an amazing soundtrack contributed by some popular indie rock bands.

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Billy (Bradford Trojan) and FrenZee (Rachel Netherton) practice Tai Chi.


Mona (Christina Pflueger) surprises Pete.


Guest Star NTY Best Selling and Hugo Award winning  Author Timothy Zahn makes a phone call.


Pete intimidates a customer played by Guest Star Comic Creator Lucas Turnbloom (Dream Jumper, How to Cat)


Straight laced John and respectable Jen (Sarah Jackson) and their secret love life.


John (Eric Schumacher) and Pete (Nathan Campbell) try to be nice.


Katy the Tatoo Artist (Olivia Blake) with a client (guest star Wrestler Chris Evans).


Guest Star Emmy Award Winning Science Celebrity  and Meteorite Men star Geoffrey Notkin guest stars as a super villain.


The Circle of Hugs


Guest star author David Lee Summers as a David Lee Summers super fan.

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Revenge of Zoe
(c) 2016-2021 Pondo Enterprises all rights reserved.
All elements used with Permission.

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